
On 4th september 2015 I will travle to South Korea to be an Au Pair in a Korean family for one year. Share my adventure here!

korean bbq

Publicerad 2015-09-08 02:22:35 i

It's around 10 am I Korea, means it's around 3 am in Sweden haha 
Yesterday evening I had bbq with Sangyun, I really needed that. To eat something with meat and to eat alot haha it finally got my body to function again 😄 
Korean bbq is a bit different from Swedish one too, probably because we eat with fork and knife and they eat with chopsticks. 
We like to throw a fat bloody piece of meat on the grill and not leave it there too long, it should remain a bit pink inside 💪viking style hehe 

The korean bbqmeat comes in much thinner and with a bit smaller pieces, and there's a lot of yummy things that comes with it!
for example we got 미역국 with it, it's a traditional seeweed soup that is often eaten at birthdays! I heard it's really healthy 😄 


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